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Winter Adventure 2023

December 27, 2024 @ 4:00 pm - January 1, 2025 @ 10:30 am

Winter Adventure 2024


Start: December 27, 2024 @ 4:00 pm
End: January 1, 2025 @ 10:30 am
All times are US Eastern (New York, USA)

Skip to Event costs (tuition and room &board)

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Email registration@ecrs.org.

A new way to connect

ECRS Winter Adventure is a creative and joyous alternative holiday experience. There’s nothing tedious or tiresome here. Young and old will be thoroughly engaged in four days filled with a diverse array of classes (improv to introspection, crafts to collaborating games, and much more!).

It’s about community

Each evening, we gather together as a group to enjoy a mix of activities for all ages: games. dancing, music-making, informal dramatics, sing-alongs, and good conversation. After an evening snack, there are a variety of “late-night activities.” Not a fan of typical New Year’s Eve parties? Celebrate the uniquely ECRS way, with enough warmth, light, and fun to last through next year.

Eating is a time to connect, too

Meals are buffet-style, with everyone eating together in groups at large round tables. Connect with one special friend, or with a different one of your ECRS “family” at each one! Vegetarian and gluten-free options are available.

Unscheduled time

There are breaks and free time for relaxing or leading your own recreational activities (or exploring in the woods or going into town).

The ‘Y’ at Watson Woods

The Y at Watson Woods (Watson Homestead) is a conference center on 600 beautiful acres near Corning, NY. We’re ideally situated for winter sports and local attractions, including sledding, hiking, and the nearby Corning Museum of Glass. NOTE: The Y at Watson Woods is wheelchair accessible.


Registration starts at 4:30 pm on April 4 in Evergreen. Following the evening meal, there will be a program of activities, as well as an introduction of staff, orientation, and class registration. Classes are on April 5 and 6.

Daily Schedule
8:00 am - Breakfast
9:00 - 10:40 am - Morning class, first period
10:50 am - 12:30 pm - Morning class, second period
12:45 pm - Lunch
1:30 - 3:45 pm - Free time activities
3:45 - 5:45 pm - Afternoon class
6:00 pm - Dinner
7:30 - 9:00 pm - Evening Program
9:00 pm - Snacks
9:15 pm - Late Night Activities

Accommodation options

Main Lodge
Dorm-style rooms with twin or bunk beds, and shared bath; guests must bring sheets and towels.

West Wing
(attached to Main Lodge)
Hotel-style rooms with two double beds, private bath, and carpeting; all linens (blankets, sheets, towels, and pillows) are supplied.

(a short walk up a hill from Main Lodge)
There will be a limited number of rooms with shared baths in this two-story house; guests must bring sheets and towels.


Winter Adventure includes a hearty breakfast, lunch and dinner every day beginning with dinner on December 27th and wrapping up with breakfast on January 1st. All meals are served family-style in the "dining room" (part of the great hall). Coffee, tea and hot chocolate are available all day. Snacks are served after Evening Program and feature a smorgasbord that often includes yogurt, hummus, fruit and veggies and chips with dip. The final meal is breakfast on January 1, followed by a closing program.

Vegetarian or gluten-free? Watson supplies limited vegetarian and gluten free options (you must specify when you register). If you have significant dietary restrictions and want to bring your own food to supplement the family-style offerings, there is a refrigerator and microwave available.

Event costs

Costs for Winter Adventure include room, board, and tuition (which covers all programming). All room rates are per person/occupant. A description of room types can be found below under ACCOMMODATIONS. Please note: single occupancy availability is limited, so register early (single occupancy is restricted to age 18 and above).

Is this your first multi-day ECRS event? Newcomers get free tuition!

An anonymous donor has provided funds to support new(ish) attendees or those with financial need to attend Winter Adventure. For more information about this please email registration@ecrs.org.

Register on or before December 3, 2023, to avoid a late fee ($50 per adult $25 per child).


  Early rate Late rate
Adults (18+) $110 $160
Children (13-17) $55 $80
Children (0-12) FREE FREE
Newcomers FREE FREE


Room and board

Main Lodge

  Adults (13+) Child (6-12)
Single $539 n/a
2 per room $395 $352
3 per room $347 $304
4 per room $323 $281


  Adults (13+) Child (6-12)
Single $520 n/a
2 per room $386 $342

West Wing

  Adults (13+) Child (6-12)
Single n/a n/a
2 per room $521 $472
3 per room $434 $388
4 per room $390 $345

Children 0-5 have free room and board.


Given the increased facility costs for Winter Adventure, the Board has agreed to subsidize the event from ECRS’s reserves. We ask that you consider a donation to help reduce the forecasted loss and to support those who need financial assistance due to hardship.

Full Covid policy (click to expand for the most up-to-date details)

Winter Adventure 2023 COVID Policy

The ECRS COVID policy was developed by the Board after consulting with various healthcare providers, reviewing CDC recommendations as well as examining COVID policies from other outdoor group events and conferences and with the ECRS community’s well-being in mind. Please note that the following requirements are subject to change in accordance with updated CDC guidelines and national Covid case counts.

1. Vaccination against Covid-19 is strongly encouraged but not required to attend Winter Adventure.

2. You must present a negative Rapid Home Test result upon arrival. It is recommended that participants test PRIOR to traveling so as not to have to return home should one be asymptomatic with a positive test result (see #4 below). In addition, participants are required to bring at least one unopened test with them to retest should symptoms occur during the event. **All attendees will be required to test again on day 3 of the event. ECRS will provide rapid tests**

3. All participants will be strongly encouraged to fill in a COVID-19 symptoms checklist completed on the day of traveling to the event to rule out any COVID risk factors. Again, it is recommended that this be done before leaving home so as not to have to return home if any of the risk factors are identified.

4. Participants with symptoms or who are asymptomatic with a positive test result, or who have been exposed to COVID within the last three days are asked to stay home. Your registration costs will be refunded.

5. Any participant who develops symptoms (coughing, runny nose, sore throat, muscle aches, fever, etc.) of COVID or other illnesses while at an ECRS event will either be required to return home or to quarantine at the event. If you return home, registration costs will be refunded. Attendees who have quarantined and have two negative rapid tests (48 hrs apart) may rejoin the event provided they continue to mask.

6. Masking is optional, unless you are ill (and not COVID positive) then masking is strongly encouraged after quarantining.

7. Flu shots are strongly recommended but not required.

* https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/covid-19/clinical-considerations/interim-considerations-us.html

Click here to download a pdf version.

Class descriptions and leaders

Click on the class title to get the full class description, materials list and requirements (such as age and class size limits). Classes may be subject to change, if necessary. You’ll be able to register for all classes right after you complete the event registration. Note that you will be able to swap classes the first night of WA.

 Morning first period classes

All 4 days: International Folk Dance (Patricia Williams)

Folk dances give us a way to connect with other cultures around the world. Learn a variety of dances, fast and slow, serene and joyful, each chosen to move us in body, mind, and spirit. Great music, great exercise, great fun, and no need to do them “right”!

All 4 days: Woodcarving: Discovering your hidden potential (Stephen Kaye)

Guidance in safety and usage of hand tools, along with careful instruction, provides an opportunity to learn skills not often available at one’s home. Come experience this creative activity in a small intergenerational community, build self-confidence and “skills for life”, i.e., calming the mind, planning ahead, learning to take small steps, and creative risk-taking.

We’ll focus on the basic techniques of making wood utensils like spoons, illustrating what tools go best at each stage. Unique and meaningful projects emerge, from a variety of kitchen utensils, simple musical instruments, and magic wands. Carving allows for internal mindful exploration; we often challenge ourselves with each chop or slice of the subtractive process. Crafters learn skills alongside others, chipping away at layers of wood and self-doubt. As we accomplish a successful stroke, positive feedback is created, which reinforces that technique. Carvers’ skills develop at their own pace; as participants become confident in their abilities, they may help each other. I encourage carvers to recognize that techniques, concentration, and appreciation are often analogous to life skillsmeditation, and reflection. While crafting as a community, we model a supportive environment. When one’s hands are busy, free-flowing conversations emerge, building a willingness to share thoughts and feelings, letting us all find the strength in the beauty within.  

Class requirements/materials
Class size is limited to 12 Students
Ages 15+
Participants must abide by all teacher instructions, and must read and sign the Liability Release Agreement.  For those under 18, a parent/guardian must sign the Liability Release Agreement on their behalf as well.

Days 1,2 - Storytelling (Frank Baskin)

We are all storytellers. In this class, we will tell stories about ourselves and the people we know. We will have time to develop some fiction and non-fiction.

Days 1,2 - Let's Make Music Together! (Bonnie Ostrofsky)

Bring your voice and/or musical instrument so we can sing and play together for fun. Don’t play an instrument? Please come and sing with us! Or play a verse on a kazoo. We’ll let the group pick from a songbook of lyrics and chords: Folk, rock, funny songs, pop, ballads, and some show tunes. I’ll also bring extra ukuleles. All levels are welcome.

Days 3,4 - Informal Dramatics (Lane Neubauer)

Have you ever wanted to experience being someone other than yourself or perhaps an animal or inanimate object? Participants will be encouraged to use their imagination to bring whatever they choose to life. What does a table think when a flower is put on its top? How does a lion react when a rabbit tries to become its friend? How would the story go if your favorite fairy tale or fable had a different outcome? This class will consist of a variety of dramatic warm-ups, exercises, and games and will culminate each day with the creation of small group skits to be performed for the rest of the group.

Days 3,4 - A Capella Songs from the Sea and the City (Mark Schwartz)

The class will focus on singing a variety of a capella songs, mostly sea shanties and street corner doo-wop styles, though we may add in a few other international songs as well. Some sharing/teaching is possible (consult the leader early at the event for more details).

Think fun, not perfection (though we will explore styles and harmonies).

All four days: Children's Program

Why should the grown-ups have all the fun? ECRS offers a completely integrated program for children ages 5-9 during two class periods. Many activities mirror the cooperative play that ECRS is built on. Children may learn new games, create new crafts, sing silly songs, or even get the chance to share activities they have fun doing at home. Depending on age and interest, they may take a field trip to experience the more kid-friendly adult classes! Children’s Program during the remaining class period will be cooperative-led.

Note: Children are expected to stay for the entire program, and are the responsibility of their guardians at all other times.

There will also be childcare for ages 2-4.

Morning, second-period classes

Days 1,2 and/or days 3,4: The Write Stuff (Beverly Pincus)

If you can write, you can WRITE! Through fun, original writing exercises, we will stimulate creativity and break through writing blocks. Want to learn what part of your brain houses your imagination? After some playful warmups, you will be given a series of prompts to write what you know best – the stories of your lives. In a safe, supportive, and confidential environment you will share these stories with the group. This class is designed for people who have always wanted to write and never thought they could, experienced writers with a regular writing practice, and everyone in between. Come and discover your authentic voice and the written expression of your deep heart.

Other class details
Class size is limited to 14 people
Ages 15 and older
Participants are encouraged to bring a journal or notebook.

Days 1,2: Late Night Dance (Celia Nicholson, Carmen Siftar and Sonia Nicholson)

Part of the ECRS Winter Adventure experience always includes some late-night dance festivities, but after a certain hour of the night, the dances aren’t always taught. Are you new to ECRS? Have you ever wanted to join in on the dancing on New Year’s Eve but don’t know the steps? Join the Siftar cousins to learn classics like New York, New York, Suavemente, and Ciuleandra! Starting the week off strong, we’re offering a 2-day mini so you can finish big!! No prerequisites are required – just come ready to dance and have FUN! Can’t wait!

Days 1,2: Breakthrough Decluttering (Bari Prince)

You have too much stuff! You want to free up the physical and emotional space it fills, but don’t know where to start. In this class, through group discussions, exercises, small group interactions and looking inward you will learn strategies to get you started on your decluttering journey and achieve sustainable results. Participants will define a “first step” decluttering project (maybe a closet, desktop, guest room, etc. or a category such as books or clothes) and will leave with a customized action plan.

Days 1,2: Improv Theater (Howard Moody)

Improv theater. Come and learn the basic skills of improv that are actually great skills for life. We will use simple theater games as playful and fun warm-ups, then do a few comedy improv games with an audience. Always challenge by choice. Never tried improv before? This class is easy and fun for everyone.

Days 3,4: Scottish Country Dancing (Patricia Williams)

This is social dancing and loads of fun! Dances vary from lively to slow and elegant, simple to more complex, all to beautiful Celtic music. Enjoy gender-free partnering and a new partner for each dance. The only requirements are the ability to walk quickly and smile to others along the way!

Days 3,4: Inner Kindness (Heather Klemanski)

Discover the incredible power of self-compassion and acquire practical techniques to gently quiet your inner critic, all while embracing mindfulness tools that enhance self-awareness.

Days 3,4: Party Games for All Ages (Trevor the Games Man)

Interactive, non-strenuous, everybody-wins party games for all ages including large and small group games, partner games, brain teasers, table games, minute mysteries and at least one loud, noisy game!

All four days: Cooperative Children's Program

A Cooperative Children’s Program, organized and staffed by parents and volunteers, will be available during the late morning class period. 

Afternoon classes

All four days: Small Scenes (Glenn Lebwohl-Steiner)

If you’ve seen a play or a movie and imagined yourself as one of the characters, if you miss your time in the school play, or if you just want to be someone else for a minute, here is your chance! Comedy, drama, we have it all. Using scripts we will rehearse, perform, and discuss a collection of scenes. Explore, discover, and create!

All four days: Posters with Wings (Teri Wilkinson)

With paper, paint, print, collage, and our reservoirs of Creativity, how can we enVision a more Equitable, Sustainable, Just and loving World for All Life on Our Mother Planet Earth? Posters have historically spoken for Just Causes: this one certainly merits WINGS to FLY!

Additional requirements
Class size is limited to 12 participants
Ages 13 and up

Days 1-2: ECRS Leadership and Theory - Creating the Magic (Lane Neubauer)

What does it take to be an ECRS leader? How does ECRS leadership differ from leadership in other situations? This two-day class will examine what it takes to be an effective leader in any situation but will put particular emphasis on ECRS leadership philosophy. This will be an active, interactive experience focusing on identifying one’s leadership abilities and skills. Some group dynamic theory will be included. This course will consist of discussions and experiential activities designed to develop, identify, and/or improve one’s leadership potential and impact.

Days 1-2: Active Games for Teens and Adults (Trevor the Games Man)

Active, non-sports, strategy, and field games that everybody wins! The games will challenge everyone in the group no matter what their skill levels. Heads & Tails Tag, Bodyguard, and Smaug’s Jewels are just a few all-time favorites!

Days 3-4: Collaborative Board Games (Max Kaye)

Most popular board games are a competition between players to see who can win, however, there are some awesome games that call for all players to be on the same team in a race against an automatic game mechanic. Each class will start with a description of rules for a different collaborative board game and then a discussion about best practices for collaborating given each set of rules. Then we’ll play the board games in groups together, and finally end class in a group discussion of what worked well and what could be improved about the game rules, as well as the strategy players can adopt.

Days 3-4: The Children's March (Carolyn Peters Michener)

“The 1963 Children’s March” in Dramatic Reading and Songs
An unprecedented number of demonstrations swept the country in 1963. Civil rights organizations demanded the right to vote, full access to jobs and education, and an end to segregated public accommodations. These demands were met with strong resistance and violence from local governments. “The Children’s March” is a dramatization of one 1963 event, written by Charlotte Blake Alston in 2013 for the Singing City Choir. Class members will take parts for dramatic readings, and we will all sing the accompanying songs.

Additional class requirements
Instruments welcome
Bring an old toothbrush if you can
Class size is limited to 16

Days 3-4: The Joy of Movement (Judi Powers)

Explore and unleash your potential through joyful movement. Engage your senses and listen to your body with a smorgasbord of dance and moving with purpose. We will do familiar dances and some not-so-familiar ones, all at your comfort level. Warning: this might change your life by positively shaping the way you think and feel.

Additional class requirements
Ages 11+

Children's Program (all four days)

Why should the grown-ups have all the fun? ECRS offers a completely integrated program for children ages 5-9 during two class periods. Many activities mirror the cooperative play that ECRS is built on. Children may learn new games, create new crafts, sing silly songs, or even get the chance to share activities they have fun doing at home. Depending on age and interest, they may take a field trip to experience the more kid-friendly adult classes! Children’s Program during the remaining class period will be cooperative-led.

Note: Children are expected to stay for the entire program, and are the responsibility of their guardians at all other times.

There will also be childcare for ages 2-4.

About ECRS

Our mission is to build an inclusive, welcoming, and fun intergenerational community with engaging activities that all can enjoy. Our members range in age from children and teens to elders – and everything in between.

A proud history of leadership 
Founded more than 75 years ago in the tradition of recreation therapy, ECRS combines compassionate mentoring and evaluations to encourage the participants of today to become the leaders of tomorrow. Whether working with groups or individuals, paid staff and volunteers alike will benefit from our human-centered leadership training. Based on respect for all people, it incorporates group dynamics, facilitation strategies, and hands-on practice, empowering our members to make vital contributions to ECRS and their communities.

A rare experience in today’s distracted world
It’s not often you find yourself singing, dancing, playing, and crafting – surrounded by a community of almost a hundred people of all ages and abilities. Our blend of creative, challenging, and non-competitive experiences rejuvenates the spirit, nurtures quality relationships, and supports personal growth.









December 27, 2024 @ 4:00 pm
January 1 @ 10:30 am


The Y at Watson Woods
Dry Run Road
Painted Post, NY 14870
View Venue Website


ECRS Programming and Staffing
View Organizer Website

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