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2024 Summer Weekend at Camp Onas
June 9, 2023 @ 5:00 pm - June 11, 2023 @ 3:00 pm
Connect, create and play - Camp Onas Summer Getaway
June 7-9, 2024Calling people of all ages and walks of life to share fun and fellowship at the ECRS summer camping weekend.
We’re excited for another fun-filled weekend at Camp Onas. We know it will be a special blend of excitement, contentment, and joy.
Newcomers and ECRS veterans alike will enjoy the chance to focus on dancing, singing, informal dramatics, crafts, or games during daytime classes. Then, at Evening Program, everyone comes together as a community to dance, sing, play games, and socialize over snacks.
ECRS welcomes folks of every race, color, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity to build community through music, dance, art, and play.
Registrar: Zsuzsi Nagy, hizsuzsa@gmail.com
Weekend Coordinators: David Geron-Neubauer & Karen Wisnia
Come! And bring a friend!!

Questions or problems? Email Zsuzsi
2024 Class descriptions
No Experience Necessary for Any Class. Click any title for a full description.
Dance Class (Celia Nicholson, Carmen Siftar - and maybe Sonia Nicholson)
Back by popular demand, the Siftar cousins are offering a dance class! We have grown up learning dances from this community, and we are excited to dance them again with those who know them and with those who are completely new to them. We’re choosing our favorite dances to do late at night and we’re breaking them down, step by step, so that when the music comes on, your body will know what to do!
Join us to learn classics like New York, New York, Suavemente, and Ciuleandra! No prerequisites required – just come ready to dance and have FUN! Can’t wait!
Crafts Class: Zines! (Celia Nicholson, Carmen Siftar - and maybe Sonia Nicholson)
In this class we will be making zines (short for magazine) together!! What is a zine, you may ask? A zine does not have any strict rules or styles, but in general, they are usually small paper books that anyone can make about anything they’re interested in. In your zine you might share small works of art, create a manifesto, develop a story, or share information. Historically they have been used as a pre-digital way for fans to build community around bands or subcultures, and they are often used as a tool for activism. We will bring colorful supplies, good vibes, and give you a loose structure to work with. We can’t wait to see what we’ll create together!
Relax with Board & Word Games (Bonnie Ostrofsky / Jack Marquess)
Enjoy relaxing with friends over new or old games. Play an old favorite, or learn a new game. We’ll bring Bananagrams, Upwords, Scrabble, Boggle, Backgammon, Quiddler, Rummikub, and more. You can also bring your favorite game to share. Depending on interest, we can explore pencil and paper games and/or share examples of how to make board games such as 9 Man Morris and Chinese Friends.
Reading the Landscape in Late Spring (Kirk Wattles)
June at Onas is our chance to observe the natural world when it’s reaching its peak, as it does every year. We will look most closely at trees, rocks, and soil, looking for signs of change over several time scales. This is a rain or shine class. Plan to dress for the weather!
Games (Arnie Zacharias)
Active and semi-active games for all level of abilities will be presented. Many of the games will be from other countries and other eras. Join us for new and old experiences. All you need is a willingness to have fun.
Informal Dramatics (Arnie Zacharias)
Dramatic games and exercises including verbal and pantomime will be presented with an emphasis on fun and creativity. Groups will be created with skits to be presented to class. No previous experience needed, participation at your own comfort level.
Joy of Movement (Judi Powers)
Explore and unleash your potential through joyful movement. Engage your senses and listen to your body as you dance and move to an eclectic mix of music from around the globe. We’ll dance parts of a routine called “All Related” as we are-all related! All levels welcome-at your comfort level. Warning: this may cause smiling and a general sense of wellbeing.
Chair Yoga (Judi Powers)
Relax and renew. I have selected slow yoga infused Joy of Movement routines to gently stretch and ease your body and mind. This gentle class will be done sitting in a chair, moving to music, your body’s way.
Free time and late night activities
Water games (Jack Marquess)
An ECRS Camp Onas tradition. Games, activities, and dances adapted for the swimming pool. Bring one to share or request a favorite! Age 5+.
Make Music Together (Bonnie Ostrofsky)
Bring your voice and/or musical instrument so we can have fun singing and playing together. Come sing even if you don’t play an instrument! You could even play a verse on a kazoo! Our new ECRS songbook has lyrics and chords that include folk, rock, funny songs, pop, ballads, and even some show tunes. Extra ukuleles will be available. All levels and ages are welcome.
Children’s Program
Children ages 5-11 (click for full description)
ECRS offers a completely integrated program for children ages 5-11 during the morning class period on both Saturday and Sunday. Many activities mirror the sense of cooperative play that ECRS is built on. Children attending the program may learn new games, create new crafts, sing silly songs, or even get the chance to share activities they have fun doing at home. Note: Children are expected to stay for the entire program, and are the responsibility of their guardians at all other times. This program will be offered only if at least three children ages 5-11 are registered by May 24.
Preschool (click for full description)
If you have youngsters ages 2–4, we will provide supervised play for them during the morning class period on both Saturday and Sunday. Parents or guardians are welcome, but not required, to join us. This program will be offered only if at least three children ages 2-4 are registered by May 24.
Site and accommodations
Located just 40 miles north of Philadelphia and 70 miles south-west of New York City, Camp Onas is a summer camp facility situated on 72 acres of woods and rolling hills, with platform tents offering cots and bunk beds. If you prefer, there is also plenty of room to set up your own tent, and a limited number of dormitory-style rooms are available at an additional cost on a first-come first-served basis (dorm rooms may hold up to 8 people). There are shared wash & shower facilities with hot water. No RV hookups. No pets. Smoking is limited to outdoors.
Covid Policy
During the week before you come, please mask when in crowded indoor spaces and monitor your
If you have any signs of illness, we ask you not to come and will give you a full refund.
Click for full Covid policy
- If you are ill in the 10 days prior to the weekend, you must have no fever and your symptoms must be minimal before you leave home. We ask that you continue to wear a mask until you test negative for COVID, or for 10 days after the onset of your symptoms, whichever comes first.
- Unless you are recovering from COVID (see #1 above), you must have a negative COVID test no more than 24 hours before leaving for the weekend. If you forget to test, we will have a few extras.
- If you develop symptoms such as cough, sore throat, runny nose, muscle aches, fever, etc., while here, you will be asked to wear a mask for the rest of the weekend and test for COVID. In addition, if you test positive you will have to quarantine and will not be allowed to participate in activities. After testing positive for COVID, anyone who has had close prolonged indoor contact with you (including roommates and family members) must wear a mask for the rest of the weekend.
- These guidelines may be changed according to CDC recommendations at the time we meet.
What to Bring
REMINDER: ECRS provides evening snacks and Saturday dinner only. You are responsible for all other meals!!!! (see Meals section at right). If you want to cook, no refrigeration is available, and open fires are not permitted.
Only a mattress is provided in dorms and platform tents, so bring a sleeping bag (or bedding) and a pillow (nights can be chilly).
Bring a swimsuit for fun in the pool, musical instrument, a water bottle, and a cup/mug for coffee/tea (to save on disposable cups).
Don’t forget a flashlight, towel, toiletries, cooler, ice, and campstove (if you want to cook).

Winter Adventure includes a hearty breakfast, lunch and dinner every day beginning with dinner on December 27th and wrapping up with breakfast on January 1st. All meals are served family-style in the "dining room" (part of the great hall). Coffee, tea and hot chocolate are available all day. Snacks are served after Evening Program and feature a smorgasbord that often includes yogurt, hummus, fruit and veggies and chips with dip. The final meal is breakfast on January 1, followed by a closing program.
Vegetarian or gluten-free? Watson supplies limited vegetarian and gluten free options (you must specify when you register). If you have significant dietary restrictions and want to bring your own food to supplement the family-style offerings, there is a refrigerator and microwave available.
Please Note
- ECRS events are fragrance-, drug-, and alcohol-free.
- All attendees are asked to volunteer for one hour to help the weekend run smoothly.
- Smoking is limited to the outdoors.
Rates and Registration (2024)
Camp Onas is our most affordable weekend event, with platform tents and shared hot shower rooms.
Member adult rates are $25 less.
Save $$ by registering early
Normal registration through May 28th. After midnight, May 28, registration is subject to availability and a $25 late fee. Registration closes June 4, 2023.
Newcomers save, too!!
We’d love for you to come to Onas for your first taste of ECRS. Newcomers save 50% on already low prices.
Can't come for the whole weekend?
Take advantage of a Saturday evening-only option that includes Saturday dinner, Evening Program, and Evening Sing. Only $30!
2024 Rates table
- A limited number of dormitory rooms are available for an additional cost (in the Dellview and Texas buildings).
- Note that children under 2 years old are free. However, there is no childcare provided.
Member | Non-member | |
Camping (14 years and older) | $170 | $195 |
Camping (age 2 – 13) | $85 | $85 |
Camping (under 2) | free (no childcare) | free (no childcare) |
Dellview building (14 years and older) | $230 | $255 |
Dellview building (age 2 – 13) | $145 | $145 |
Texas building (14 and older) | $200 | $225 |
Texas building (age 2 – 13) | $115 | $115 |
Non-discrimination Statement
ECRS does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, age, sexual orientation, or gender identity in the administration of its admission policies or programs. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all participants.
Disclaimer: By attending this event, you agree to grant ECRS the right to include photographic, video, or other audio/visual portrayals of you or your likeness in promoting ECRS without any compensation being paid to you.
Countdown to Camp Onas